Successful Online Marketing Campaign

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A planned, organized online marketing campaign with rotation through a variety of targeted sites is not hard to coordinate, does not need to cost a great deal of money and can generate traffic and sales faster than Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It takes a bit of research and a solid knowledge of your target customer, but you can plan and implement a simple online marketing plan in the space of a dedicated day.

A Five Step Online Marketing Plan follows, created by in the trenches experience with online marketing for small business. By doing each of the actions, you will quickly create an online marketing plan that can be implemented immediately and begin reaping sales successes.

Step 1 – Define Your Customer

Defining your customer is as important as defining your products or naming your business. If you have not yet done a marketing plan within your business plan, then you need to do this exercise. (Here’s how to create a complete marketing plan, from your Unique Selling Proposition through advertising and promotions planning.) And if you are starting from square one and need to write a business plan, this Business Plan Outline will lead you through the process step by step.)

If you already have defined your ideal customer in your business plan, you can skip ahead to Step 2.


Answer these questions as honestly as you can. In other words, don’t project your expectations or hopes on them. What is your perfect, solid customer really like?

Is my perfect customer male or female?

Does my perfect customer work out of the home or in the home?

What is the job profile of my perfect customer – an executive, manager, worker, entrepreneur, stay-at-home parent, etc.

See also  Mobile Marketing and the Future of E-Commerce

What is the net household income of my perfect customer?

What level of education does my perfect customer have?

Does my perfect customer have room in her spending budget for my product/service on a one time, occasional or constant basis?

How do my perfect customers use my product/service – do they buy it for themselves or as a gift?


Does my perfect customer spend a lot, some or minimal time online?

Where does my perfect customer look for my product/service? Both online and in physical locations?

Once you have this written out, you should have a good picture of where to start looking to place your message and how to write your message copy.

Step 2 – Choose Your Targets

Now, where are you going to post your ads? A coordinated effort across several sites and venues commonly frequented by your customers is the most effective marketing campaign. If you are seen in several places your visibility and retained message is much stronger.

Complementary sites that you can help cross-promote to your visitors, who will then see you there too, will provide excellent reinforcement of your message. Holiday specific sites that are well promoted are excellent areas to consider.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is another consideration for your marketing campaign. If you’re new to PPC, stick to places that allow you to set limits on daily expenditures. Google AdWords is a good example. This will also help you to experiment and determine the most effective keywords by paying close attention to the statistics of the PPC campaign.

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